Thursday, August 28, 2008

Honestly, put the plastic to rest...

Let's take a quick Lap through August via the lens: Booze Cruising, Johnny Mutha-fuckin'-Love, bikes are never in short supply, That damn Dog, bouldering at Red Feather Lakes. (Top to bottom)

A seasons super-fickle losses at the hands of the enticements of libations and a love for the outdoors, orient one's senses of the "Real World" heavily.

It's been the summer of the Banjo. Hard, fast and fun. Musical festivities, outdoor endangerment's and the pride of living life to it's fullest definition. Although - that all has it's price, and it is quite a large bill. All roads lead to the bank I suppose, or Starbucks. That big green beacon of caffeinated bliss. All the while a symphonic soundtrack of life does not-per say- play but emanates life. Your life. It's hopes, dreams, and probably some bad decisions. All of them are then projected upon what lie ahead of you. Acceptance put most "Bad Decisions"to rest . I find my peace of mind at a Starbucks bistro table and a Double Shot. It's where I understand what's going on and things go as planned. The Starbucks on the other hand is a loud, continual battle for that fix between those damn junkies and a meeting ground for local dogs. Stewart wont tell you he'd rather sit at home but he sure dislikes the idea sitting outside while I make peace with the rest of the suburban world.
Incomplete... more to follow stay tunned.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Now semi-live and in color!

Well the day finally came where I broke down and ended a close to 6 year streak, a marathon of not buying a digital camera. I didn't think I NEEDED one, or that there was any thing of substance NEEDING documentation; to forever be filed away for drunk remaniscence or bragging rights to boot. All that's behind us now, I've decided I'm passionate about my adventure and wanted to share it with those of you stricken with such syndromes as "This is my Favorite Couch" or "It's to hot outside - give me a month-and-a half and then it'll be too cold outside" You sneaky little wankers.

I , Alexander Super-Fun Gigas am here for you. Feel free to live vicariously through my blog untill I have forced upon you a sense of longing for more than T.V and a tray of snacks!

Let us start with Heather. That's her on your Right. I have assumed the the rule that any good picture is unposed and a suprise attack! Here she is in a moment of suprise. She is my number two, let's refer to her as our Right Side Pride or RSP. Rsp is always up for adventure, Corn field exploration in the 10:00pm hour, going behind closed doors and sticking it to the man. Stewart sitter extroidnare and quite possible one of the few that has me figured out.
Stick with me 'till next time!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

rudimentry foregrounds.

Greeley, known to most as windy, warmer in the Summer and colder in the Winter. A jumping point and curve of learning is what it's not usually associated with. I find myself amassed with lush green surroundings, an overcast celling of tonal grays and a severe weather watch until 6:45pm. It instills a certain love of not being inside, locked in and only seeing things from your boxed window. Living outside the boxed window, for myself, has a great pull of calm and a transient verve. There is something about dirt and the smell of tree sap, the turn of earth beneath your foot and the umbrella of greater sciences above. A complex of simplicity in the single idea most consider for foreign or take as granted.

That granted idea is a shame. What it should be is a foundered respect and awe for the natural hazards and awesome power of Mother Nature. We are spoiled and blessed with the option of never having to fully experience the harshness and beauty of her. Living life upon the filthy blacktop of disparage in the concrete maze of man made civility. I wish everyone could fly as free as winged birds and dream as big a Everest in their own influences.

Go play, get dirty and taste the thrill of adventure and unplanned, off the cusp glory.
